Which One of the 51 Genders Are You?

The Genderbread Person

Just exactly how stupid, idiotic, asinine or harebrained do people have to be to believe that the way that a person “self-identifies” is a true and valid way to ascertain their gender?

We humans have been constructed by [God, Mother Nature, or evolution (your preference)] with reproductive parts appropriate for only one of the two genders: male and female. It’s not your choice to make; you were born as male or female, end of story.

There are abnormalities, of course, but that doesn’t detract from the unassailable fact that the vast majority of us are born with male or female organs. There are some who may genuinely feel that they are a man in a woman’s body or the reverse, but that’s an emotional condition that doesn’t change the original equipment that one has been issued.

Male or female – there are no other genders, regardless of what the LGBT,xyz groups would like to impose on us. The sheer lunacy of some who would like to further define us is illustrated by this article that discusses how Facebook allows a person to describe himself/herself as one of 51 options – that’s right, FIFTY-ONE gender options – check it out.

Our parts were designed by [God, Mother Nature, or evolution (again, your preference)] to facilitate reproduction and thereby the continuation of the species. There are no viable arguments against the fact that we are constructed the way we are to enable reproduction and continue the species. It’s self-preservation.

If, all of a sudden, men would only be with men and women only with women, what would happen to the human population? We’d die out, pure and simple.

We humans have an internal drive to reproduce and that drive was imbedded in us by [God, Mother Nature, or evolution (your preference)] intentionally, to continue the species. That’s why it was designed to be pleasurable, so that we’d do it more often and consequently produce more humans. If the sex act was not pleasurable or was painful from the beginning, the human race would have died out long ago.

So now, we have a minority who believe themselves to be “enlightened” that has decided that gender is all in your head and your plumbing doesn’t matter. Your plumbing is male plumbing or female plumbing and nothing you can say or enact into law will change that – what’s in your head is another matter.

This whole thing is about normalizing what used to be called deviant behavior. The pro-deviant minority is trying to force the normal majority to accept abnormal behavior as normal. It’s not normal.

Normal is defined as: conforming to the standard or the common type; usual; not abnormal; regular; natural.

Now frankly I don’t care what goes on behind closed doors between any number of consenting males, females, or barnyard animals for that matter, as long as it doesn’t intrude on others, but the deviants aren’t satisfied with a “live and let live” attitude, they require that there be formal acceptance of their behavior as “normal.” Well, their behavior doesn’t fit the definition of normal, but does fit “abnormal.”

That pesky camel has his/her/its nose under the tent again. The same group of deviants who sold the nation on gay marriage is now trying to expand the definition of genders to “normalize” what can only be described as abnormal emotional self-identification.

In my opinion, they need psychological help, not a new term describing their abnormality as normal.

BTW, I signed the Target boycott yesterday because frankly my life is complicated enough already without having to make a decision about which bathroom to use if I visited their store – so, I took the simple way out, I just won’t shop at Target any more. I’m sure the deviants and pedophiles will support them and keep that bottom line robust [sarcasm].


Categories: General


5 replies

  1. There are things we think and say today that will be considered hateful and something-ist decades, years, even months from now. Go back twenty years and ask yourself if you ever thought which restroom people should use would become a major political issue.

    That we are even discussing this is proof of our degenerative civilization. Instead of cultivating needed scientists, engineers, and doctors, our education system is fostering social justice zealots that specialize in making charts like the one accompanying this post.

    I know this is a “Trump-free post” but there is a connection to him. Recall on this “emergent” issue, Trump’s natural inclination was to give a mentally-ill man the option to use the women’s restroom.


  2. I signed the pledge to boycott Target as well. I understand their stock is down 6%. Perhaps their customers will morph into all male perverts. Then they can do away with those pesky women’s and girls’ departments. They don’t sell much to them anyhow.

    Monday my 16 y.o. grand daughter wanted to buy some clothing at Target. She got her clothing and went to the dressing room to try it on. My daughter was outside the dressing room. Without hesitation, a man walked into the ladies’ dressing room with a woman, laughing and talking. My daughter got my grand daughter and they left.

    I swear I will never enter another Target as long as I live. They are utter morons and deserve to go out of business.

    This gender or any other ‘identity’ nonsense is mental illness. We are all born with male or female chromosomes. Female with XX and male have XY. These male or female chromosomes are in every single cell in our bodies. This insures the sex we each are and the difference is wonderful. God knew what he was doing.


    • You’re right, I’ve seen several articles today about the drop in Target’s stock – they brought it on themselves. My son and daughter (both adults) have called and expressed their outrage with Target as well. Last I saw the pledge had well over a million signatures.


  3. You’re right Garnet – ever since the gay marriage legalization mess, we’ve seen this spread like a bad cancer into every facet of our lives. All this from people who said all they wanted was to get married. Right…

    I’ll stick my same old spiel because my opinion hasn’t changed. This isn’t a gender issue – it’s a mental one. Some folks who support this abomination are relying on the APA as the authority who defines gender, but contrary to current thinking, the APA isn’t the authority on gender – that would be God, who doesn’t make mistakes.

    Let’s use Bruce for an example. When God made Bruce, He made him a boy, but if Bruce identifies as a girl, then he’s saying God made a mistake and he wants to correct it by changing into a girl. Assuming he’s a Christian and he believes in God, who is Bruce to correct Him?

    If he can’t come to terms with that mentally, then he needs professional help in making that adjustment. He needs to get it straight in his head who and what gender he is, instead of trying to change what God made with the use of pills, shots, wigs and makeup.

    There was a story about a little girl who was said to identify as a male at the age of 2. A toddler’s thought process isn’t something to be taken as a permanent life changer. For parents to shrug it off and allow that to dictate their kid’s life is irresponsible. They should have taught her to accept reality instead of trying to be something she’s not and can never be. A parent’s job is to guide their kids, not let a toddler make life-changing decisions.


    • To use a computer programming analogy, it’s like these people who are confused about whether they’re male or female have a “bug” in their gender programming. It wasn’t a mistake by God, there was some reason that the bug is there, we just can’t understand it. But, the bug is there nonetheless. The program seems to be working, but there are some inconsistencies and it’s not quite right. The LGBT (etc.) crowd wants to allow the bug to remain and for the program to be accepted as is – even though it’s not exactly right. I believe (like Kathy) that we should try to fix the bug (via psychological help) rather than accept flawed performance by the program. Allowing, even encouraging, acceptance of internal emotional confusion can’t be good for the person suffering the confusion – shouldn’t we be trying to “fix” the bug and thereby allow the person to live a normal, productive life?


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