We Dodged a Bullet When We Elected Donald Trump

My friends, I think we’ve dodged a bullet.

At the risk of repeating myself (I’ve said it before), I just can’t stop thinking that if Donald Trump HAD NOT been elected – if we had been cursed with Hillary instead – we wouldn’t know about the criminal activity that was apparently rampant among the top officials in our Intelligence Community (IC), our Department of Justice (DOJ), and the FBI.

There’s little doubt that it would have continued with Hillary at the helm (who would have stopped it?) and would have grown to be more widespread and powerful than before. There’s also little doubt that Hillary would have used that power to control and punish her enemies and reward her friends, continuing the standard set by Barack Obama.

And the Imperial Presidency would become even more powerful.

We, the people, wouldn’t have a clue about the criminals, seditionists, and yes, even traitors, who were running amok in the nation’s most respected and powerful law enforcement agencies.

The only reason that we have that knowledge now is that those agencies were so certain that Hillary would be elected that they were complacent in the execution of their outrageous schemes; they weren’t afraid of being caught; they knew Hillary would protect them.

But then, the impossible happened; Hillary LOST. Without Hillary to cover up those loose ends, their conspiracies were in danger of exposure.

We dodged that bullet ONLY because their plans assumed that Hillary would win and they weren’t as careful as they would have been if they’d known that they would be operating under a different regime; and one that was decidedly angry for being framed.

If they had been more careful we’d never know of their criminal conspiracies. They had the capability to prevent others from gaining access to any evidence that could expose their criminal actions.

The IC, DOJ, and FBI all have the ability to classify information and documents. That gives them the ability to withhold anything from exposure to protect ‘sources and methods.’ That makes it easy to withhold damning evidence indefinitely from other inquiring bodies.

And they have the ability to launch investigations. That allows them to prevent any access to evidence or witnesses that the agency wants to keep secret since they won’t cooperate on anything relating to a matter that is part of an ‘ongoing investigation.’

Additionally, those groups are endowed with the manpower and budget that allows them to execute practically any nefarious activity with impunity, confident of their ability to keep it from ever being discovered.

If Hillary (or any other democrat) was in the White House protecting these reprobates, how would we ever know?

All of the details haven’t become public – yet. The Deep State participants are still colluding, hiding behind secret ‘classified’ documents and ongoing investigations, to prevent the exposure of their own culpability in the actions they’ve taken to exonerate Hillary, frame candidate Trump, and impeach President Trump, but their time is just about up.

In ancient times, alchemists tried to transmogrify lead into gold, they were unsuccessful. Today, if justice prevails, we may have reason to honor President Trump’s election for transmogrifying scores of ‘top-level public servants’ into prison inmates.

Presto chango, and all without a magic wand.


Categories: Political


17 replies

  1. Alchemy!!! I’m patiently waiting! And persistently praying.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Well said, Garnet.

    All of the issues you raised illustrate and exemplify the reasons I was so against the Patriot Act right from the jump. The bottom line is that it discards constitutional protections in the name of “national security”, a vague and broad category that can be stretched to cover almost any human activity. The FISA court, which we’ve discussed before, is merely one aspect of the problem.

    Once the justification is established and accepted, the same rationalization and mechanism is in play to institutionalize, in extreme cases, exactly the same dynamic that was used to such devastating effect by the Nazis and Soviets.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Brian, and you’re right that’s exactly what our own government has done, used ‘national security’ (sources and methods) as a pretext for hiding the evidence that proves their criminal acts. I only hope that President Trump is committed to exposing ALL of the evil-doers and requiring a return to Constitutional governance.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Trump transmorgifying the deep state traitors and criminals from highly paid abusers into prisoners would be the best kind of alchemy ever… President Hillary, rumors suggest, would have been highly corrupt, likely to start WWIII with Russia (because Putin also seems to be fighting the deep state, the NWO, and the banking cartels) and crashing the economy.

    Liked by 1 person

    • The best ever is almost an understatement – I’d stay up all night to watch 5 mins. of perp walk at 4 AM if that’s what it would take. I think that we have ample evidence that Hillary would continue her standard operating technique of corruption. Thank God that she’s not our president!


  4. Well said, Garnet.

    The great legacy of Barack Obama is that he fostered an atmosphere in this country that encouraged liberals/leftists/progressives to believe they had some manifest right to defy the law for what they alone deemed to be righteous. He did this by subtly fomenting disrespect for our police and praising or failing to criticize those who disregarded the law – people like Lois Lerner, Hillary Clinton, Illegal aliens and black criminals that he portrayed as victims of the police – and by his own use of his “pen and phone” to exceed the power imbued to him by the Constitution. The Deep State took root under his administration taking cues from his rhetoric, and maybe even his behind-the-scenes instruction. I don’t know if much of the country appreciates the crisis we are dealing with as a consequence of this, given that half this nation seems to see the Deep-staters as heroes rather than treasonous corruptocrats that are undermining their government. If this crisis does not end in a routing of the Deep-staters and HARSH consequences, this Deep State will be the new norm going forward and America as we knew it will cease to exist.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Unfortunately, I’m afraid that you’re right. If the Deep State perps don’t get SEVERELY punished for all the world to see, we can expect to see this kind of activity again. And you’re also right that it is Obama’s legacy that not only did these conspiracies happen on his watch, it’s literally impossible that they happened without his knowledge – they could not have happened without his participation.

      The thing that is most disturbing to me is that Obama SQUANDERED a unique opportunity. As our first black president, he could have secured a special place in our history, not unlike Abraham Lincoln, if he had only acted fairly, honestly, impartially, and free from racial bias, but he didn’t. His record is one of widening the gulf between whites and blacks to no good end. And not only that, his policies did nothing to improve the lives of anyone in the country – except for his cronies. His policies damaged the country economically and in the eyes of our friends and enemies on the international stage.

      He could have been a hero in the eyes of his black brothers and sisters, instead, those whose eyes are open recognize that he’s left a sour taste in the mouths of many who voted for him. I, for one, will be more skeptical of another black candidate for president because of the actions of our WORST president ever, B. Hussein Obama.

      Liked by 1 person

      • “..those whose eyes are open…”

        Unfortunately that’s a minority of the population, thanks to good training by the Left.

        It wasn’t Obama’s skin color, of course, that made him a bad POTUS. It was his ideology; but the reality is that 90%+ of America’s black population shares that same warped, un-American ideology, which means that another black POTUS is likely to give us the same result. I’d vote for Allen West in a heartbeat, but if he ran I’m sure we’d suddenly find that blacks no longer cared about electing another black.


  5. There’s nothing more that I’d rather see than all these criminals behind bars, all the way up to H and O, but I think they’ll stop short of that. There could be a lot of people go down, but those two never will – not until they reach hell, that is.

    God works in mysterious ways – who would have ever thought he’d use a Donald Trump to get this country back on it’s keel? And the other thing that I’m so ever-loving, truly extremely grateful for…..this is small and petty, but I don’t care…..we don’t have Bill Clinton back in the White House stinkin’ the place up! It’s the small things, I tell ya.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Me too, Kathy! I’d love to see them perp walkin’ into the slammer but we both know that’s not gonna happen. I’ll be satisfied if they get their crimes exposed for all the world to see so they’ll never again be seen as righteous and godlike. Some major damage to their egos would result and force them to just slither back under their preferred rock (never to be heard from again). Amen.


  6. Also people are acting suspicious of Trump for sucking up to dictators like Putin and Kim Jong-Un, but I couldn’t care less. At least he’s trying to keep them on good terms with us and keep us out of war with them subsequently. I’m sure if Hillary was in charge, not only would the economy be a disaster as it always is under Democrats, but we’d be heavily involved in World War III. Thanks for sharing!

    Senior Editor A.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Editor A, and thanks for visiting PT and commenting.

      I concur; the economy would be in the crapper and we’d be worried about N. Korea or Iran exploding an EMP-enhanced nuke over us. I don’t think we knew it at the time, but we DID dodge a bullet.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. A most excellent thought & something to pray for: “if justice prevails, we may have reason to honor President Trump’s election for transmogrifying scores of ‘top-level public servants’ into prison inmates.”

    Liked by 2 people


  1. We Dodged a Bullet Electing Trump | END TIMES PROPHECY

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