Can America Survive the Latest Plague of Leftism?

From:,  by Rick Hayes,  on Apr 5, 2018

A mob of foreigners planning to march across the United States border knowing in advance that numerous sanctuary cities will break federal law and welcome them in.  Unidentified individuals being allowed to vote in U.S. elections, riots at universities with the intention of preventing any discussion that does not agree with theirs.  These realities are all happening now and are all symptoms of a political plague that has been visited upon America and most of Europe.

In 430 B.C., Greece was hit by smallpox.  In 1347, Europe contended with the “Black Death.”  And today, America and much of Western civilization are facing leftism.  Not the traditional pathogen seen in earlier plagues, but nevertheless all contagious and deadly.

The primary vehicles used to spread this insidious cognitive disorder at alarming rates consist of a leftist propaganda network known as the mainstream media, and indoctrination to leftist ideals via an overpriced monopolized leftist education system.  And like many infections that use the resources of the host to destroy the host, leftism perverts America’s justice system, corrupting weak elected officials and brainwashing tens of thousands of young adults, all in an effort to decimate the freedoms of the Republic.

Even with its distorted knowledge of human nature, a defective version of history, and a prolific case of massive immaturity, leftism continues to thrive and push ahead, with its suicidal progressive agenda relying on ignorance and gullibility.

A clear example of this exploitation is where the left has managed to distort the Bill of Rights into its own bastardized version in an attempt to eliminate liberty, limit free speech, and end the right of the individual to defend against oppression.  The left survives within a self-made mirage that uses well-written speeches containing caring and poetic language and emotional appeals that appear to be on the side of good, protecting the weak and needy in society.  But in fact, the left exploits and manipulates both weak and poor to continue to remain in power.  Consider the infected American cities of Detroit, Baltimore, and Chicago, where the left has total control and can implement whatever programs it wants, and look at the result: perpetual devastation, crime, and misery.  California, a once wealthy and successful state, is now an insolvent laughingstock of the world.

Once infected with leftist ideas, an individual’s perception of reality becomes similar to that of a five-year-old.  His worldview is filtered through projection and hypocrisy.  The left preaches free speech, inclusiveness, and tolerance but omits the part about those qualities applying to those who agree with the leftist agenda.  The left calls conservatives violent when it is leftists themselves who are seen throwing stones, breaking windows, and setting cars on fire.  And the left says it cares about those wanting to leave a lawless country by crossing into a law-abiding America, but they conveniently forget the fact that such action ignores American laws, is unfair to immigrants who followed the rules and lays the foundation of participation in American society with the crime of illegal entry.

Liberalism has been around a long time and has evolved, but this new strain of radical leftism is something new, and if the CDC could pinpoint its emergence, President Barack Obama would most likely be identified as Patient Zero.

Ignoring this new plague is like neglecting cholera; not the answer and only invites a global pandemic that will be much harder if not impossible to stop.  Cures such as revamping the high school and college curricula to incorporate American history and conservative ideas, the establishment of conservative mainstream media outlets, and efforts to promote traditional values within the entertainment industry are available, but the sooner, the better.

While conservatives are busy with raising families and working hard to create and maintain a functioning society, leftists are busy exploiting entitlements that give them the financial resources which allow them the time needed to plan against, protest, and fight conservative values.  Getting the country back into a healthy state is not a certainty, and the process will be a long uphill battle.  The first steps must be taken soon.


I concur with the author’s claim that Barack Obama deserves the blame for being the primary infectious agent of this new strain of radical leftism. As Patient Zero he was instrumental in the explosion of political correctness, projection, and hypocrisy that has seemingly infected everyone in the media, Hollywood, and academia. Obama’s enthusiastic embrace of attacks on free speech, law enforcement, gun rights, and a policy of welcoming illegal aliens, all aided in the spread of that infectious disease.

Now the country needs a political wonder drug to rid the country of the last vestiges of Obama’s epidemic infection of our United States.

President Trump has taken on a daunting challenge to be that policillin – if he can survive the viral attacks from the parasites aligned against him.

This may be a life or death battle for our United States as we’ve known it – our prognosis depends on President Trump inoculating the country from the disease left us by Patient Zero.



Categories: Political


14 replies

  1. My question (as a libertarian Millenial) would be: Can America recover from the disaster that the Baby Boomer Gen has been?


    • That’s a good question, Jennifer. I wish I had more confidence that was the case, but with all of the forces aligned against our Constitutional governance, Millenials will have to educate themselves on their own since there appears to be little American History taught and even less about why we’ve always been the “good guys” on the world stage. The left wants control – control here and global control and that is the direction that they are pushing – less individual freedom and more compliance with government mandates. We’re on the brink. Unless young people wake up to the benefits of our Constitution and our freedoms, it’ll take a couple of decades, but we’re on track to socialism lite. BTW, thanks for your comment – glad to have you aboard!


      • We’re lucky to have the internet, I’ve learned a great deal about history, economics, and the philosophy of liberty from it (and my older brother, who was a huge Ron Paul supporter in 2008 & 2012).

        I doubt that my Gen will be able to convince the Boomers to give up their ‘free’ Social Security, Medicare, & out-sized military…neither can we do anything about Ronald Reagan’s Amnesty (which heavily favors the Democrat Party/Progressivism)…so I’m not overly optimistic either.

        Many like-minded folks of my Gen believe the future of freedom most likely lies somewhere other than the USSA.


  2. I am praying for a revolution among younger people, seeing the contradiction of what the left is using as excuses for more government are false. I am afraid though that curiosity is lacking.


    • I’d sure like to see a revolution among young people and I’m hoping that it comes with maturity. As is always the case, we older folks pass off the baton to the next generation and hope that they can hold our Constitutional Republic together. It seems that each generation always thinks that they will “fix” whatever mistakes were made by the previous generation. In theory, that’s what ought to be happening, but that’s only possible when the “new” generation still holds to the same aspirations as the previous one and doesn’t veer too far “off course.” Of course, I’m referring to following the Constitution as being “on course.”


  3. Yeah, Garnet, I always shake my head when I hear or read pundits on either side of the political aisle opine on what is America’s greatest “existential threat.” No it’s not Russia, Iran, North Korea or radical Islam. It’s the leftist cabal, hands down. They are the greatest threat because they are always working against us from within, without ever declaring war. Unlike our outside enemies they never openly declare their intentions, but any conservative paying attention knows exactly what they’re up to. They have a massive army of idiot soldiers and the schools are churning out thousands more every day. And like the author above noted, they use our own laws and system against us to finance their quiet, guerilla war.

    The war started long before Barack Obama came along but Obama greatly emboldened them. He stoked anger and divisiveness and then set about weakening the defenses of the law-abiding people by fueling distrust and disrespect for our police. These weren’t accidents. It was all by design and Barack’s real happy with himself as he sits back now an admires his handy work. Now I read one news story after another in which blacks, Hispanics, women and other “minorities” attempt to get what they want and exercise power by mob behavior and violence. They loom dangerously close to the point where they don’t even pretend to honor the law or the Constitution, as evidenced by the defiance of sanctuary cities and the recklessness of the Deep State which seems to think it’s invincible. We’ll soon see if they’re right, and heaven help us if they are.


    • Absolutely spot on, CW. At least right now, we are trying to recover from internal sabotage caused by B. Hussein Obama and his minions. The left has been laying the groundwork for years by infecting our schools, unions, Hollywood, the media and governmental bureaucracy with mind-numbed robots who seem to have bought the socialist concept hook, line, and sinker. According to many “woke” progressives, capitalism is evil and socialism is more “fair.” Of course, the only one’s socialism is “fair” to are those at the very top – everyone else is equally out of luck and can grovel and wallow in mediocracy.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. This penicillin resistant leftism is different, isn’t it? It’s more radical and in your face than when it was getting a foot hold in Woodrow Wilson’s day. Although, there was violence and brick throwing and murder from them when the communist unions were fighting for their power and money. That’s part of the take over too, of our lives.

    This is a true cancer. I don’t think it’s as simple as the above article states. We are in a fight for our lives and I really wonder if we truly can win.


    • We ARE in a fight for our lives – and our country. Maybe we dodged a bullet when Trump was elected. One thing that’s becoming more and more plain is the absolute disdain for our Constitution shown by those bureaucrats that have been in charge of running the DoJ, FBI, etc. – the most powerful agencies in the country – and at the behest of an evil administration who thought nothing about trampling on our laws in order to exert their power. It wouldn’t have taken many more years of Obama and Clinton to doom us for good.

      Never thought I’d say it, but maybe Donald Trump will be the savior of our United States??????

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Agreed that O gets much of the blame, especially for increased tension between blacks and whites. Thanks to him an issue that was nearly history saw a resurgence. It also seemed to ratchet up quite a bit more when Hillary lost. They hysterics were over the top, and still haven’t completely calmed down.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. The wonder drug, in my opinion, is the inherent spirit of liberty in Americans and people’s experience being opposed to the garbage their being fed about daily life. The Left always overshoot and the repercussions set them in their place- Love Matt Walsh ❤

    Liked by 3 people

    • That’s a great sentiment, vapor, but I worry about the large swath of Americans who opt not to think about liberty – they’re too involved in their daily lives to pay attention that the left is trying to take it away. Unfortunately, most of our countrymen aren’t in tune with politics and won’t realize what we’ve lost until it’s gone. I hope you’re right.

      Liked by 1 person


  1. Leftism is a Plague Infecting Western Civilization | END TIMES PROPHECY

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