Muddy Maxine Waters: What a Riot

From:,  by Michelle Malkin,  on Apr 26, 2017

Are you freaking kidding me? Thirteen-term Democratic Congresswoman Maxine Waters, Beltway barnacle permanently affixed to USS Government, is now the fresh-faced “rock star” of the Democratic Party.

“Auntie Maxine” is stoking the resistance, inspiring millennials, combating hate, crusading against corruption and invoking the counterinsurgent cry to “stay woke!”

I do not have enough guffaws to give.

This new spokesmodel for civility and clean government has stoked division and exploited taxpayers for decades.

Change agent? She has served on the Democratic National Committee since 1980 — when the Atari 2600 was cutting-edge, Kim Kardashian was a newborn, and Al Franken was hamming it up on “Saturday Night Live.”

Waters has spent 37 years in office — many of those years as head of the Congressional Black Caucus — promising to make life better for constituents in economically ravaged South Central Los Angeles.

What do the denizens of her district have to show for it? Staggering levels of persistent unemployment, poverty and gang violence as the 25th anniversary of the L.A. riots looms this coming weekend.

What does Rep. Waters have to show for it?

She’s earned a lifetime of left-wing adoration for whitewashing the deadly riots as a “rebellion,” excusing the week-long shooting, looting and arson orgy as “a spontaneous reaction to a lot of injustice and a lot of alienation and frustration,” and coddling Crips and Bloods gang members — with whom she performed the Electric Slide as part of her “fearless support and understanding of young people and their efforts at self-expression.”

I covered Waters in the early 1990s as an editorial writer and columnist at the Los Angeles Daily News. Her federally funded Maxine Waters Employment Preparation Center was a gang-infested boondoggle.

She embraced Damian Williams, the infamous thug who hurled a chunk of concrete at white truck driver Reginald Denny and performed a victory dance over the bloodied innocent bystander.

And she and her family personally profited from her rise to racially demagogic power.

She owns a tony mansion in predominantly white Hancock Park, several miles outside her congressional district.

She secured an ambassadorship to the Bahamas for her husband, a former pro football player and car salesman whose main qualification was having traveled to the island for a vacation.

Her daughter, Karen, has scooped up nearly $650,000 in payments from Mama Waters’ slate mailer operation for her federal campaign committee since 2006, the Washington Free Beacon reported this week. And Mama Waters owes her well-heeled daughter an additional $108,000.

Waters also mau-maued the House Veterans Committee into hiring two black staffers.

And she walked away with a slap on the wrist from the toothless House Ethics Committee in 2012 after being charged with multiple ethics violations related to her meddling in minority-owned OneUnited Bank.

Reminder for all the new fangirls and fanboys suffering from Maxi-mnesia: Her husband, Sidney, was an investor in one of the banks that merged into OneUnited. As stockholders, they profited handsomely from their relationship with the bank.

It was a mutually beneficial relationship. After Waters’ office personally intervened and lobbied the Treasury Department in 2008, OneUnited received $12 million in federal TARP bailout money — despite another government agency concluding that the bank operated “without effective underwriting standards” and engaged “in speculative investment practices.” After the federal bailout of Fannie/Freddie, OneUnited’s stock in the government-sponsored enterprises plunged to a value estimated at less than $5 million. Only through Waters’ intervention was OneUnited able to secure an emergency meeting with the Treasury and then-Secretary Henry Paulson.

Tom Fitton, Judicial Watch president, reported that Waters’ friend and fellow California Democratic Rep. Zoe Lofgren helped delay her scheduled 2010 House ethics trial on the matter by stalling subpoenas and improperly firing two attorneys working on the investigation. Six of 10 House Ethics panel members quit the case in 2012 over questions about their partiality. An outside investigator absolved Waters of any wrongdoing.

The newfound Maxine Waters Fan Club might want to know that Waters’ government cronyism and self-dealing earned her a “Most Corrupt member of Congress” designation from the left-wing Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington five times — in 2005, 2006, 2009, 2011 and 2017.

Now, Muddy Maxine is leading the charge to drain the swamp that sustains her. What a riot.


It is really disappointing to watch politicians like Maxine Waters get elected over and over again. She’s been in Congress for 37 years – her entire adult life has been spent living off of the American taxpayer and judging by the statements she’s made and the videos I’ve seen, she’s about as dumb as that proverbial box o’ rocks. That doesn’t speak very highly of her constituents who keep electing her. One can only assume that they elect the smartest among them to Congress – thus, we have an estimation of the intelligence level in her district – it’s somewhat lower than hers.

I view Maxine Waters in a similar fashion to the way I saw Barack Obama. Since they’re both black, blacks will automatically assume anything that I say about either of them to be biased and based on racism. That doesn’t matter, I don’t care what “they” say, the race card has been so overplayed that it no longer has any impact. 

So, neither of them were really qualified to be in their jobs. Neither of them has accomplished anything to speak of in their jobs and in fact, could easily be branded as failures. But would continue to draw votes from other blacks – simply because they were black. If that isn’t racism, please tell me what to call it. Racism is the only reason that Barack Obama was elected and reelected and racism is the only reason that Maxine Waters is still a member of Congress.


Categories: Political


6 replies

  1. These blacks are racist and it’s been encouraged during the last 8 years.
    One word, as CW says: Term Limits.
    Coming to a Convention of the States near you!


    • Who is more racist than the “Congressional Black Caucus”? The answer: NO ONE. And good old Maxine has been in the leadership of the CBC most of its years of existence. With the exception of her family, who has she helped among the black community? Practically no one. Maxine is looking out for Maxine and her family and no one else – and yet her constituents keep electing her – that’s the definition of insanity.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Thinking about how dumb her constituents must be brings to mind that Charles Barkley quote – “Black people have voted for Democrats their whole life, they’re still poor”. It tells you how dumb they are to keep electing this brainiac.

    Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Dianne Feinstein – now there’s a trio for you that proves you can fool some of the people all the time, especially in California.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. >>“Racism is the only reason that Barack Obama was elected and reelected and racism is the only reason that Maxine Waters is still a member of Congress.”

    No truer words were ever spoken, Garnet.

    Maxine Waters would be the perfect poster child for term limits.

    Liked by 1 person

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