Protesting the Protesters


Some of you guys may be familiar with Chad Prather. For those of you not on Facebook, he’s one of those guys that makes his own videos and says whatever’s on his mind and his videos make the rounds on FB. Give this one a listen and be sure to catch his very last words. 😀

I’m thinking that’s an excellent solution for the protesters, and there’s a lot more whiney millennials out there that could use one too.


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5 replies

  1. Speaking of protesting the protesters, there was a white lives matter demonstration in Austin yesterday


  2. I must admit that I’ve never seen Chad Prather before – my bad – he was GREAT! That bit should be required viewing in all high school and college classrooms everywhere – he NAILED it! Thanks for posting this, I’ll be on the lookout for Mr. Prather from now on.


  3. Love him, Kathy! I agree. The crybabies at our universities and everywhere else (Hollywood especially) need spankings. Afterwards, let’s ground them all.


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