DC Attorney: FBI Agents Working To Expose Top DOJ Officials

From: dailycaller.com,  by Kerry Picket,  on Nov 3, 2016


Agents within the Federal Bureau of Investigation want to take down the personnel at the top of the Justice Department, according to a former D.C. based U.S. Justice attorney.

“Just think of the FBI as the Vietcong. That’s what they are. They are digging tunnels under the Justice Department. They are going to sink that place,” Washington attorney Joe DiGenova told The Daily Caller Thursday.

DiGenova, who has bureau sources close to the FBI investigation, named Attorney General Loretta Lynch, Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, Assistant Attorney General Peter Kaznick, Assistant Attorney General John P. Carlin, and Assistant Attorney General Leslie Caldwell as senior level staff at DOJ have who have “done something that they are going to regret.”

FBI agents pushed forward, against the wishes of the Justice Department and without the support of bureau leadership, to investigate the Clinton Foundation, according to a Wall Street Journal report.

As a result of the obstacles thrown in their way, DiGenvoa says the agents within the bureau have gone “rogue” and any upper level bureaucrat that gets in their way from investigating Clinton could be exposed.

“Even though this is technically under the auspices of the bureau, nobody is going to control these agents,” he said.

Additionally, DiGenova, who was the first to say that laptops belonging to Clinton lawyers Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson were never destroyed in a DOJ deal as previously reported, said that the laptop co-owned by Clinton staffer Huma Abedin and her estranged husband Anthony Weiner has information on it that agents likely already reviewed and know the content of.

“I’m sure they’ve opened them up for god sake’s. You don’t think anybody is going to do that when they have access to it? Of course they’ve done that,” he said, noting he believes Comey notified Congress that the agency was reopening the investigation into Clinton’s server and knew the content of the most pertinent emails to the investigation.

“He would’ve never sent that letter unless he had been told there was devastating information that showed that she had committed perjury — she Hillary Clinton had committed perjury on Capitol Hill. She had lied to the FBI during her interview on the July 4 weekend. And that in fact the 33,000 emails are probably on the laptop that she deleted.”

DiGenova explained, “NSA has all of her emails. They have all of her emails. They’re out in Utah. Remember that big building they build out there–59,000,000 square feet ? It’s got nothing but super computers. Hillary Clinton’s emails are all out there in Utah. If the 33,000 deleted emails are there that’s the end of the ball game because they prove conclusively what she deleted was not personal.”

He later said, “Everything is on that laptop. It’s probably adverse to everything she has said publicly and probably proves that she has committed multiple perjuries. So their stuff like that over at the department of state.” He added, “There’s classified information. There’s pay to play. There’s stuff about destroying documents. No doubt it’s the panoply of issues that they have tried to cover up.”


I’m relieved to hear that agents have “gone rogue” and continued to do their job and investigate even when their political “leadership” wants them to stand down. Like others, I’ve been upset that we haven’t seen more whistleblowers coming forward, but in hindsight, this really makes more sense. If a few agents went public with half-baked evidence, they could easily be overshadowed by the heavyweights at the top and wouldn’t have enough credibility to tilt the scales away from the AG and her co-conspirators.

But this way, they’re apparently just continuing to gather evidence and constructing a watertight case that can’t be overcome by Lynch’s rhetoric. And the Justice Department will be put in a position where they’ll either have to join in the exposure of hard evidence or be seen as impeding justice for political purposes. Backed into a corner as it were and even then, they’re at risk of being exposed for the obstruction of justice that’s already in evidence by their foot-dragging and stand-down orders.

Some may still be unconvinced, but when FBI agents continue to gather evidence against leadership’s orders and the NYPD states that if the FBI/DOJ doesn’t do something, they will, it sounds to me like there is definitely some fire behind that smoke.


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3 replies

  1. This guy calls it a countercoup. He supposedly was way on the inside until several years ago, when he bailed from the CFR, and started opposing the Dark State.

    Worth a listen!

    (I couldn’t figure out how to hyperlink. Sorry!)


    • You’re right, Curtis, it was well worth the listen, I just wish they’d have implemented this countercoup a week or two earlier. I fear that it’s too late to have any effect this late in the game.


  2. It is indeed good to see these agents addressing this, as I was just commenting on their failure to speak up. My concern is the timing of this – she needed taking down long before now. What happens if she’s elected and then they indict her? Are we stuck with that idiot Kaine? Trump just needs a landslide, period.


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