“I Misspoke” and Other Lies

Subject: a new lie-cloaking device

I’m learning that there is a downside to being retired and having the time to read so much of the news of the day – the news stinks, and it’s full of lies.

What set me off (this time) was the emergence of a new lie-cloaking device, the “I misspoke” linguistic get-out-of-jail-free card. Here’s what the term “misspeak” really means:

mis·speak [mis-speek] Verb

  1. to speak, utter, or pronounce incorrectly.
  2. to speak inaccurately, inappropriately, or too hastily.

Apparently the dictionary.com compilers left out “absolution when caught making a false statement.” That’s the way the word is being used by our politicians. When caught in a lie, they just claim that they “misspoke” and everything is hunky dory, no harm done.

Here are four examples that occurred in two days, of politicians “misspeaking” about the same issues: assault weapons or high capacity magazines. First president Obama said that Adam Lanza used an automatic weapon to shoot 20 children. He said:

“It is possible for us to create common-sense gun safety measures that respect the traditions of gun ownership in this country…but also make sure that we don’t have another 20 children…gunned down by a semiautomatic weapon – by a fully automatic weapon in that case, sadly.”

In this case, our “esteemed” president went so far as to override a correct statement with an incorrect one – in order to ratchet up the rhetoric from semiautomatic to fully automatic – because fully automatic sounds much more ominous.

The second example was when Colorado Rep. Rhonda Fields, D-Aurora, tried to exploit the horrific specter of those diabolically evil assault rifles when she described the shooting that killed her son, as follows:

“His car and him and his fiancée were riddled with an assault rifle.”

According to the Arapahoe County District Attorney’s office who investigated the incident, two guns were fired at the couple – a .45 semi-automatic weapon and a 9mm semi-automatic weapon. A total of 14 shell casings – eight 9mm and six .45 caliber – were found at the scene. The .45 caliber bullets killed Fields and Wolfe, said a spokeswoman with the district attorney’s office.

It should also be noted that fewer than 10 rounds were fired from either weapon and thus, a magazine limited to 10 rounds would have had no effect on that particular incident.

While all parents and anyone with an ounce of compassion must sympathize with Ms. Fields on the loss of her son, that doesn’t give her carte blanche to use that event to further her political goals.

And, jumping on the band wagon with Rep. Rhonda Fields, there was an op-ed piece by U.S. Rep. Diana DeGette, D-Denver. The congresswoman alluded to Fields’ son being killed with an assault weapon:

“Despite her long reputation as a tireless advocate for gun safety, and as the parent of a child gunned down by an assault weapon, the attacks were ugly and personal,” wrote DeGette in regard to some of the harassment Fields has endured as the leading proponent of stricter gun laws in Colorado.

And by the way, that same U.S. Rep. Degette is the brain surgeon who, when asked why banning ammunition magazines that hold more than 15 rounds would be effective in reducing gun violence, responded:

“These are ammunition, they’re bullets, so the people who have those now, they’re going to shoot them, so if you ban them in the future, the number of these high-capacity magazines is going to decrease dramatically over time because the bullets will have been shot and there won’t be any more available.”

All of these quotes were later dismissed as misspeaks by the speaker, but the “I misspoke” correction drew a small fraction of the coverage that was given the original statement. They got what they wanted to say publicized with their slanted view represented.

That is exactly what was planned by the “misspeakers” – a big splash of coverage blaming unfortunate tragic deaths on the target of their campaign – those pesky assault weapons and/or high capacity magazines and later, when caught in the deception, a tiny drip of correction.

That is the modus operandi for many/most of today’s democrat operatives – and it gets worse the higher up the political ladder you go. Their currency is conceal, deceive, falsify, fabricate, hide, lie, mislead, misrepresent, obfuscate, obscure, slant, taint, twist, I could go on, the thesaurus is full of words that cover the act of saying untruthful things to influence people who don’t know any better. When you sum it all up, they are all just variations of a lie.

I don’t like liars, and neither should you.

Let’s start at the top, I don’t like Barack Obama. He has lied so many times to the American citizenry, that I have lost any respect for him. He has proven (to those who will see) that his words are meant to direct public opinion and that is their only purpose. One cannot depend on anything that he says as being true and/or based on facts; it’s all based on political expediency.

I know that some will immediately brand me as a “racist,” so be it. The “race card” has been overplayed so many times in recent years that it no longer has any sting.

I don’t dislike Obama because he is (half) black, I dislike him because he has proven himself to be a liar and it disturbs me that he pays no price for flagrant obfuscations, misrepresentations, and bald-faced lies.

This man controls much of the well-being of our United States and its 315 million citizens yet has uttered so many proven falsehoods that it amazes me that anyone still take what he says at face value.

Some will say “all politicians lie,” and while there’s some truth in that, there is no reason that we have to accept it. They lie and get away with it, because we accept it as a fact of life. It wasn’t always that way. There was a time (not so long ago) that when someone was caught in a lie, they were shunned, fired, divorced, impeached, etc. because we did not suffer liars. What happened to repercussions for lying? Is lying ok now?

I’ll tell you what happened: little by little, bit by bit, professional liars rolled us down that slippery slope, got their nose under the tent, or however else you might want to characterize the gradual acceptance of more and more lies.

When Bill Clinton looked the American public “in the eye” via their television screens, and lied to all of us, that was the beginning of the end. His democrat allies told us “it was no big deal.” Well, if the President of the United States lies to us and is caught in the lie – and still suffers no ill consequences, what does that say to our young people, our kids?

Listen, my friends, when we accept lying as part of everyday life, it is over. When we no longer can trust our friends, spouses, neighbors, salespeople, advertising, commercials, etc., to tell the truth, on what can we base important decisions?

While originating in the computer world, the old saying, “garbage in, garbage out” is still appropriate in everyday life. If you have only lies on which to base decisions (garbage in), you should expect that the results will be bad decisions (garbage out)?

We can no longer rely on the broadcast and print news organizations to present unbiased news, they are part of the problem in that they color the news to lean towards their own political persuasion – and that’s mostly liberal. The “major” news media has become the news division of the democrat party.

Just don’t take ANY politician (regardless of party) at his or her word, chances are, they’re lying to you. Just start verifying what they say, compare what they’ve said in the past to what they’ve actually done, it’s not that difficult to do your own personal due diligence.

Then, and only then, will you have real truth and facts upon which to base your decisions and more importantly, your upcoming VOTES.

Pesky Truth©

Categories: Political

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8 replies

  1. “I misspoke” is nothing new. Remember when Hillary Clinton said her airplane, “..spiraled down through anti-aircraft fire..” and she and Chauncy, “..ran through sniper fire to cover..” was immediately shown to be a bald faced lie she said, “i misspoke.” and all was forgotten.
    Also on an associated plane.
    The Democrats can and do lie so much for two reasons;
    1. “I misspoke” and all is forgiven; and;
    2. The intelligence of the run of the mill Democrat voter epitomizes the Rush term, “Low information voter.” Several years ago a cop busted a burgler coming out of a business. The cop ordered the burgler to halt. The burgler raised a gun. The cop shot him. And all hell broke loose. In arguing with the liberal wife of a golfing pal I said the man had been ordered to halt and he pulled a gun. Her reply, “Well, couldn’t the cop just shot the gun out of his hand?”
    To that i will swear on a Bible.


  2. Good article, Garnet. I can’t understand why so many people still believe anything that comes out of the King’s mouth. After all every time he speaks he is lying. But, there are too many uninformed citizenry in this country who don’t know a thing about what’s going on. I also don’t believe anything from any of the pols. I confronted McConnell in a recent email I sent him about gun control. I see he is now going to filibuster with Rand Paul. He probably got lots of emails over that one in KY.

    I no longer allow anyone to call me a racist. When I’ve been attacked over being a racist, I tell that person, “that does not work with me”. The reply, “stunning silence”. Ha, it gets the commies every time. Like Dave said, it’s not the color of one’s skin, it’s the lies and unlawful activity by this man that I abhor.

    IMHO, there is no “misspoke”. These people know exactly what they are doing. It’s like telling a jury to disregard what an attorney said in a courtroom. The lie is already been heard by the jury and now planted in their minds.


  3. I have a couple of thoughts on this stuff.

    First of all, not only do these liars have almost no grasp of the reality of firearms, their grasp of the English language seems pretty tenuous, too.

    ““His car and him and his fiancée were riddled with an assault rifle.”

    Really? What does that sentence mean? Did that assault rifle pose a riddle to them? Because I’ve heard of people being riddled by bullets, maybe even by the bullets FROM an assault rifle, but I’ve never heard of an assault rifle doing any actual riddling.

    But of more interest to me is your allusion to the socialists’ SOP of using the “race card” against anyone who opposes the ObaMessiah. How come it’s never “racist” to oppose or say nasty things (as is VERY common) about Clarence Thomas, or Tom Sowell, Alan West, or Walter Williams, or Larry Elder, or any other conservative “person of color”?

    Why… could that be… hypocrisy???


  4. Great writing G92! “They misspoke”…”It’s being taken out of context”…”That’s not what I meant so say”…Lord…they have more excuses to try and cover up their saying exactly what, but think we are stupid. It’s like they’ve come up with their own code for their traitor followers to set fires all over the place.

    They can label me a racist as well and I could care less. Our Liar In Chief could be white, purple, green, pick, black, brown…et al…and I’d still be saying the same thing about his traitor ass.

    Good O’ Grey nailed it with his comment of “this administration appears to be the father of all lies.” I would make one simple correction to appease myself and call Obastid the godfather of lies!


  5. This administration appears to be the “father of all lies”. They even lie when the truth would help their cause better than a lie. At this point in time I doubt they even know what the truth actually is.

    God help us all.


  6. Great ‘honest to goodness truth’ article about all the lying coming out of this administration. And we still have 3 3/4 years to go. IF we make i. Hope all is well with you and yours.



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