The Barack Obama Question: Incompetence or Ignorance?

Obama at teleprompterI’m going to approach the question about Barack Obama’s intelligence and/or incompetence from another perspective.

Short of seeing his college records, intelligence tests, etc., we really don’t have any objective measure of “the smartest president evah” claim. His sycophants are quick to label him as “highly intelligent” and they do this based on his eloquence – i.e., his public speaking. And he is quite good at delivering the words that scroll by on his teleprompter.

But he can’t answer real questions, on-the-fly, contemporaneously, without the benefit of others feeding him answers.

He can answer some questions, like comparing Kobe and LeBron, but how would fare if instead, there were tough questions that coming from an expert questioner like say, Rep. Trey Gowdy?

Of course, we all know that he would rather tell Michelle “yes, Pookie, that dress DOES make your ass look big” (a suicidal act), than submit to questions from a tough questioner, like Gowdy.

But as long as he controls the public’s access to what he says or writes, we only see and hear what he allows us to see or hear. The media only reports on his successes (few) and buries his failures (too many to mention).

One of our partners-in-crime here at N&F (the esteemed Grouchy) recently sent us a link to White House salaries. The website listed 456 people along with their title and salary. Scanning through the list, one can’t help but notice how many advisors there are – many are apparently specialists in a particular discipline (based on their titles).

Honestly, I didn’t count them, but the list is 21 pages long and I’m estimating that there were approximately 50 or 60 with advisor in their titles.

The point is, president Obama doesn’t have to KNOW anything – he’s got people to research the answers. He’s got people to estimate and forecast the ramifications of various options and assign probabilities of success or failure. His people also know his philosophical perspectives and, no doubt provide a summation based on his political leanings. It’s likely that all he has to do is choose an option from a multiple-choice menu of actions.

Larry, Moe or Curly could answer a question or arrive at a solution to a problem given all of the support that is available to Obama. You or I could do (at least) as well as Obama given all of the advisory horsepower at his disposal. He doesn’t need to BE smart to APPEAR smart.

And yet, this supposedly “smartest guy in the room,” has consistently made awful decisions. He’s been defeated TWENTY times by unanimous Supreme Court rulings – and note that those unanimous rulings include two of his own appointees.

He’s made a series of blunders, including his bald-faced lies about keeping plans and doctors under Obamacare and saving $2,500. I’m sure that he wouldn’t have made those claims if he KNEW that he’d get caught and would be held responsible for a series of outright lies. Even the left-leaning Washington Post gave Obama the dubious award for telling the “Lie of the year” in 2013 – actually that’s a single award for multiple lies.

The disproven Benghazi video story HAD to have been approved by him and his decision to release five terrorists from Guantanamo has met with negative reactions from the public. And now, most are blaming him for the flood of illegals coming into the country (and rightfully so). And if all of that weren’t bad enough, what about leaving Marine Sgt. Tahmooressi to languish in a Mexican prison cell for over three months – without lifting a finger to intercede?

A simple telephone call from the president could work wonders for Sgt. Tahmooressi as well as the flood of illegals coming through our porous Southern border. Why no pressure on Mexico to resolve either problem?

There are too many specifics to list here, but it is catching up to him as his approval numbers are now below George Bush’s and polls show that a majority of Americans feel that the country would have been better off if Romney had been elected.

So, the question remains, how could a supposedly highly intelligent Obama screw things up so badly even though he is supported by a sizeable staff of well-paid, smart people whose only job is to help him make informed decisions?

My hypothesis is that he is an idiot savant. For those of you in Rio Linda:

Id-i-ot sa-vant: a mentally defective person with an exceptional skill or talent in a special field, for example, a highly developed ability to give a speech while reading from a teleprompter.

That would explain everything. No doubt, his army of advisors brings him realistic options complete with pros and cons, but his mentally defective intellect precludes him from taking their reasoned advice and so the mentally defective makes a unilateral decision – and, as usual, it sucks.

Additionally, I think that a combination of his narcissism and his bevy of “yes” men prevent him from understanding when he screws up. How could that be? The infallible, prodigious, intellect made a mistake? It cannot be.

I think that it’s not within Obama’s ability to process his own failure. He has said that he only learns about events from “mainstream” media. If it’s not in the liberal newspapers, he doesn’t know about it – and of course, that’s the last place that any problems attributable to the president will appear.

So he strolls briskly down the pathway to being the “worst president in U.S. history” and hasn’t a clue about his travel. Right now, he’s about two clicks below “poor” and hustling on down the road towards “crap.”

But his direction of travel is not new, he’s been barely adequate (at best) in all of his previous jobs. As a president, he’s far from adequate; he’d have to improve to achieve poor.

Finally, to summarize, I believe that Barack Hussein Obama is both ignorant and incompetent. He is too ignorant to comprehend his incompetence, and he is too incompetent to recognize his ignorance.

It’s time to start counting the days ‘till he’s gone.

(928 days, or 22,272 hours, or 1,336,320 minutes, or 80,179,200 seconds).

It can’t come soon enough.


Categories: Political


8 replies

  1. I am sorry but I must disagree with your column. Obama is not incompetent or arrogant or ignorant.
    Obama is a figure head with a multitude of advisers with the head advisor position going to Valerie Jarrett. She is the President and has the Muslim Brotherhood behind her. I know , we have heard it all before , but it’s one idea that I am firmly behind. He has enabled Muslim groups throughout the world to gain money and arms. I think with Valarie being a Muslim it will be much worse if she was elected but the MSM will not touch it. Thank you.



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