This is a YouTube video that only runs 1:40 but is the very BEST description of Obamacare that I’ve heard … yet Dr. Barbara Bellar accomplishes it in only ONE SENTENCE.

: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=mZbFrAAV3-o

“God should decide how long we live, not President Obama,” she said at a Palos Hills candidate forum where she made the one sentence Obamacare statement.

She’s a former nun, an Army major, a lawyer, a college professor and a physician. She was running for a State Senate seat in Illinois when she became an overnight sensation on YouTube with her one sentence ACA description.

In addition to her religious training, her bachelor degrees, her law degree from St Louis University and John Marshall Law School, her masters degree in bioethics and health policy from Loyola University, Bellar serves in the Army Reserve with the rank of major, works full-time as a physician and is earning a second masters degree in public health while running for the State Senate.

This is funny, sad, and true all at the same time.

BTW, she lost her senate race, and lost her job at the hospital where she worked,  but the YouTube video topped 3 million views.

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7 replies

  1. I followed every comma, every semicolon; all the way to the final question-mark?


  2. As usual; good post G! This woman should get the Nobel Peace Prize for putting up with this crap. Obamacide is the biggest joke and disappointment to come from Ovomit since his lying azz forged documents in attempt to prove he’s even allowed to be president….or is that King…or is that Pharaoh???


    • Thanks Dave, sorry to be so late with this, but icy outsides have kept me busy. Yeah, isn’t that a laugh – a Nobel Peace Prize – for this worthless P.O.S. One thing is hopeful though, more and more of his followers (even in the media) are beginning to see through his façade of intelligence and finding what we’ve always known was there – an incompetent, unaccomplished, narcissist with no real talent except for reading from his teleprompter while lying through his teeth.


  3. Garnet, I saw this some time ago and it is like you said, funny, but sad. And she sure is one trooper with all she has done in her life Great post.


    • Thanks Pepp. She sure did run on for a while describing Obumblecare and it was funny too. She certainly is an accomplished woman, I’ll try to see what she is up to now that she didn’t win the election.



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