Trump and Supporters Insult Our Intelligence

From:,  by C. Edmund Wright,  on May 4, 2016,  see the article HERE.


A trio of typical Trump supporters

I am not #NeverTrump, but I’m getting close… thanks to Donald Trump and his supporters.

The fact is, Trump often makes profoundly stupid and manifestly false statements. These are the kind of statements that always offend the intellect of anyone who thinks analytically and is interested in the actual truth, regardless of who is saying them. If you are not offended by such, then by definition you simply have jettisoned any concern for truth and intelligence. That Trump runs afoul of both concepts is beyond debate.

Written words are the least emotional medium possible, so let’s remove the feeling of the mob rally or the sycophantic television interview and dispense with a few Trump pronouncements in the cold harsh reality of the written word.

No doubt some of Trump’s supporters will quickly retort that Trump is a billionaire, so there’s no way he could possibly say anything stupid about any topic. Or that it’s impossible that Trump would lie. Yet Trump can, and does, routinely lie. In the words of Victor David Hanson, for Trump “truth is simply a narrative whose veracity is established by the degree of power and persuasion behind it.”

Let me translate:  Trump repeats nonsense loudly and often. Moreover, he daily adds insults to anyone who opposes him, which is an odd strategy for someone wanting to “unite the party.” He’s doing everything now to make that impossible for anyone to do anytime soon. His apparent cliching of the nomination simply lends more urgancy to the matter.

But I digress. To the cold hard words, in perfect context, starting this week in Indiana.

“His father was with Lee Harvey Oswald prior to Oswald’s being — you know, shot. I mean, the whole thing is ridiculous. What is this, right prior to his being shot, and nobody even brings it up? They don’t even talk about that. That was reported, and nobody talks about it. I mean, what was he doing — what was he doing with Lee Harvey Oswald shortly before the death? Before the shooting? It’s horrible.”

What is this, coming from a man who wants to be the most powerful in the world? Does Trump consider the National Enquirer to be the gazette of truth? Was Ted Cruz’s father at Area 51 too? It’s not even clear that Trump has any idea whose death he’s even rambling about. Serious people would be bothered by a candidate who is capable of saying this.

How about the Mike Tyson endorsement: “So Cruz is now saying, ‘Oh, he (Mike Tyson) was a rapist. This guy is a real liar, that’s why we call him Lyin’ Ted Cruz. I mean, the greatest liar that ever lived except he gets caught every time.”

Trump may have no responsibility over embarrassing endorsers. But Tyson was in fact convicted of rape and served hard time for it.

On the Mike Pence endorsement of Cruz:

“(Pence) gave me more of an endorsement than he gave Cruz. He started off with ‘Donald Trump and what a great job he’s done.’ I mean look, his donors and special interests obviously made him give an endorsement.”

You see, because Pence was deferential and respectful of Trump, he was really endorsing Trump. You might say Pence was trying to “unite the party”.

Apparently, in these sad days AD (after Donald), only full-throated insults and childish taunts can be trusted. Pence — who has conservative credibility going back decades and not merely 20 minutes — is only saying nice things about Lyin’ Ted because of his donors. This is ridiculous on its face and rivals Trump’s comments in Iowa about anyone who opposes ethanol being “in the pocket of big oil.” Both comments are a window into the shallow soul of Trump and the shallow minds of anyone who accepts either premise.

Speaking of shallow, here is Trump with fellow New York liberal Chris Cuomo:

“The bosses are trying to run it. It’s a rigged party. The bosses want to pick whoever they want to pick. The voters wouldn’t stand for it.”

This was a continuation of Trump’s talking points over the last six weeks. Everything without exception is “rigged”. This contention, geared to the mentally uncurious and emotionally supercharged, simply doesn’t stand up to scrutiny, but of course this only affects those who are capable of scrutiny.

For one thing, Trump has benefitted from the perpetual rigging of the system for whoever the frontrunner is. Trump’s percentage of the delegates remains much higher than his percentage of the raw vote, making this whole argument moot and nuking his “voters” argument. He won 100% of South Carolina’s delegates while winning less than one in three voters. So Donnie, what is it the voters won’t stand for? (In truth, we can assume we’ve heard the last of this after Indiana.)

Moreover, the system is exactly what’s it’s been for a long time. You would think someone who always picks a great team and surrounds himself with the best people might have read the rules.

But the most offensive concept is that of “party bosses”.

John Boehner, Trump’s tweeting and golfing buddy, is a “party boss”. Mitch McConnell, whom Trump supported in his most recent primary against a conservative outsider is the consummate “party boss”. Lobbyist and Trump convention manager Paul Manafort is an insider party boss. Trump buddy Chuck Schumer is a party boss, albeit from the other party Trump often belongs to. Ditto Hillary Clinton. It’s Donald’s rolodex (smart phone contacts) that are filled with party bosses.

The same party bosses who loathe Ted Cruz.

Farmers and teachers and tea party activists from rural Wyoming or Colorado who go to a caucus and become delegates are not party bosses. Even local elected officials are not party bosses. No, the real party bosses are quite often Donald’s buddies and beneficiaries. He has to know this, but he has been counting on one thing: that his supporters are not smart enough to figure it out.

Which is the story of his campaign. Words mean things, according to a long-time famous radio host. Trump’s words belie the idea that he’s a wise choice for nominee. The buyers’ remorse that is coming will not be owned by those of us who sounded the warning bells.

Edmund Wright is a contributor to American Thinker, Breitbart, Newsmax TV and Talk Radio Network. He’s been writing against the establishment since 1992 and has written an elections bestselling book. 


I just read an article by Newt Gingrich that suggested that Trump’s (anticipated) Republican nomination win will be due more to his supporters than to Donald himself. His point was well taken that his supporters were so angry with a Republican “establishment” that ignored their wishes and lied consistently during campaigns, that they rebelled. When the voters gave the Republicans a majority in both the House and Senate, and yet Obama continued his agenda, undeterred by the Republican majority. It was obvious to the voters that the establishment wasn’t going to do what they’d promised and that is what broke the camel’s back.

The Republican voting populace, blinded by rage, grabbed their political torches and pitchforks and descended on the primaries with a vengeance. Trump just happened to be the guy whose name they already knew and said the right words early on, so they anointed him as their champion, their “outsider,” and that’s all it took. A mob mentality took over and snowballed into an essentially unstoppable force. And Trump was insulated from errors and mistakes; his mob – his supporters – were so blinded with disdain for the Republican establishment, they would forgive any missteps by The Donald because he was their champion, he was flying their colors.

Newt explained the phenomena that we’ve seen unfold as well as anybody has. An now, seemingly everyone wants us all to come together; we need unity to beat Hillary, they say. 

Well, here is one voter who is so fearful of seeing Donald Trump as president that ONE thing, and one thing only, may require that I vote FOR Donald Trump – that one thing is the nomination of Supreme Court Justices. Absent that, I abhor Mr. Trump to the extent that I’m not convinced that he would be better for the country than that evil, pernicious crone Hillary Clinton. Watching him over the past nine months or so has exposed his temperament as unsuitable for POTUS, he simply can’t speak extemporaneously without lying, he knows little or nothing about the workings of our system of government or our Constitution and has delusions about his commanding our armed forces. He is simply a loose canon, a dangerous one.

The really scary thing for me is that I have NO confidence that Trump would nominate anyone even moderately conservative – he said he might even nominate his sister!

I will be doing a lot of soul-searching between now and November and if Trump’s demeanor makes me think that he would make a bad choice for the court, he loses any advantage and I may choose to take my chances with a KNOWN vile, evil, pernicious person rather than an unknown one. He’s on thin ice.




Categories: Political


13 replies

  1. On another site, I submitted a commentary in response to a “Trump won. Get over it.” admonition after suggesting Trump admirers were behaving in a less than admirable fashion with their continued, after the fact, insults about Cruz and his supporters. Since that comment is apparently “lost” for the moment, please forgive me for repeating it here, as I believe it relevant.
    You state the road has been well traveled. Then perhaps it is time for ardent Trump supporters to change their path, and get off this track of personal politics in regards to Cruz and his supporters. How long will they continue to denigrate a good man, and ridicule those who supported him?

    Trump may well defeat whichever statist the Democrats offer by attracting non-GOP voters through his populist messaging; but at what cost? What kind of ‘deal’ must he place on the table to win their vote?

    Trump would certainly win with the additional support of true conservatives whose concerns and values have long been dismissed by the establishment Republicans. I submit that Trump can make a better ‘deal’ for our Nation’s survival by bringing them into the fold.

    It is true that many, if not most, will still hold the opinion their preferred candidate was the better choice. Some may even withhold their vote when it comes time to tick off that first ballot line. Yet, their down ballot votes will be crucial in deciding the type of Congress with which Trump will have to work in order to undo the damage done over the last several decades. This is now my focus.

    My country is more important than any party or personality. While I am undecided as to how actively I may support a Trump Presidential bid, I am more determined than ever in doing all I can to help seat a Congress that will return to governing under the guidelines of the Constitution. Should a President Trump show signs of wavering, I want a Congress that will help steel his backbone against those forces he claims to oppose.

    The onus is now on the shoulders of those in the Trump camp. Will they put away their long knives? Or will they continue to run half-time ‘victory’ laps over the backs of conservatives whose preferred choice was other than Trump? Are those fleeting moments of smug glee worth alienating many conservatives? Are they worth the potential costs of an ineffectual President Trump, deballed by a Congress once again in Democrat clutches?

    Been there – Done that.


    • Very well said, Saltwater.


    • Bingo, Saltwater! With so much recent focus on Trump, it’s easy for people to forget how important those Congressional elections are to the equation, especially with the lack of media coverage.


    • I agree with our learned ladies, Saltwater – and glad you dropped by! Not voting at all is something that I’ve never done and I won’t “not vote” this time either, the down ballot races are too important to just ignore. My quandary is what I’ll do at the presidential level.


  2. Newt got that one right – the Trumpbots could have just as easily been the Gatesbots or any big name businessman who decided to have a go at it. Anyone who wasn’t already a politician would have gotten their support. Remember the early popularity of Ben Carson, another non-politician?

    Trump’s use of the term ‘party bosses’ is thug talk. As president, he would be as much of an embarrassment as O has been, just in different ways, although it’s doubtful his supporters have a problem with it.


  3. Trump’s overt lying is merely the polar opposite of Obama’s plain-spoken, strawman cynicism. They are both wicked men but with different styles of forked tongue.


    • Agreed LOK, they are alike in many respects, but dissimilar in others. Obama is more polished while Trump is “in your face.” Actually, I think that Obama (evil as he is) is more personable and might be enjoyable to have a beer with, but Trump would be too busy boasting and bragging to carry on a reasonable conversation.


      • I am sure many tyrants throughout history would have been fabulous company over a drink. Just ask Dennis Rodman. 🙂

        You bring up a good point on Trump – I cannot see how he could relate to the common man in private. Maybe he absolutely can, but I am prejudice against the silver spoon.


  4. I understand the grassroots anger, as I lived it in the early TEA Party years. Then the GOP House said they couldn’t act without the Senate. Then the whole Congress couldn’t act without the president. By then the, TP movement had gone to ground, and is doing a worker bee thing at the local & state level of the GOP. (Those folks will still be embedded to spring into action whenever the direction is clear.)

    But those who had shared the earlier outrage, but not joined the TEA movement, reacted to that congressional failure to act with a righteous indignation unseen in my lifetime. It was an broad, unthinking, unfocused rage! Ted Cruz captured part of the crowd, but his failure to go for the jugular allowed a media savvy neophyte to wrest the storyline away from him, and wholly assume leadership of the mob. Coupled with his free media techniques, he became a juggernaut.

    What followed was a sequential mugging of candidates by Trump. He essentially did a Tanya Harding kneecapping of every Nancy Kerrigan that arose. It made no difference if the Nancys were better prepared, more thoughtful, better spoken, more liked, etc. Out came the bat, and down went the candidate. The last two standing were Kasich & Cruz, with the former on some Quixotic vision-quest only he could discern, draining away support from Cruz. (But he never threatened The Donald!)

    Cruz, on the other hand, was a genuine threat, and had the field trimmed before Texas, would have very possibly prevailed over Trump. He even avoided going negative himself until his last days, when Trump took his bat to attack his family and virtue. Then the lack of institutional GOP support finally made his goal unattainable.

    Now we are left with a sociopath, leading a mob, as the candidate of our party. Every other party leader has been shown what will happen to them. So they cower, like the castrated Christie, wan, waxy, and drained of life, as a cardboard cutout standing behind the Man!

    What will Cruz do? Will he bow too, and kiss the ring?? He said the fight for LIberty was ongoing, and Trump disdains liberty, except for himself, unless he can profit from it. I expect to hear from Cruz soon.

    I simply don’t think I can vote for Trump. SCOTUS, or not, because I have no confidence he would appoint anyone better than Hillary or Biden. He would destroy conservatism, and further undermine the Constitution.


    • I can’t argue with that Curtis. I hate Hillary with a purple passion and we can only imagine what she has planned for the country (I’m sure we won’t like it). But on the other hand, I haven’t a clue about what Trump will do. The problem I have with him is that he is a pathological liar with a temperament that could really get us into a war (at least a trade war, if not a shooting one). I don’t know how any other national leader can trust him – I certainly don’t and that doesn’t bode well for our foreign relations. Thinking back over the past seven months or so, I can’t recall him ever talking about his love for the country and he almost never mentions the Constitution. I believe that the Constitution and BOR mean little to nothing to him. He’s a fraud and a con-man and I’d rather have a do-nothing wimp like Jimmy Carter back instead of Donald Trump.


  5. Trump (along with Hillary and Bernie) has proven that you can never underestimate the public enough. Just when you think they can’t get any dumber, lo and behold they do.

    The predicament that conservatives have been forced into reminds me of a hostage situation. We can either let the hostage die or we can hand over our life’s savings to the hostage-taker knowing that this will reward him for doing a bad thing and encourage him (and others) to take more hostages. Every conservative understands, looking at the larger perspective, why it’s foolhardy to pay a ransom. But when a life is at stake it is nearly impossible not to relent.

    I believe if we pay the ransom the hostage (i.e., the GOP) will ultimately be killed anyway, because the Trump phenomenon will set the new standard for presidential elections going forward, which is to say that they’ll become more like sporting events where people mindlessly devote themselves to their team and remain robotically loyal to it for better or for worse. Either way we lose.


    • I guess it’s my optimistic streak coming out again CW, but I’m hoping that Trump’s actions rub his supporters (at least some of them) the wrong way and they see the error of their ways.

      If he’s elected, he’ll no longer be able to talk his way into and out of situations – he’ll have to take actions and I’m pretty sure that not all of those actions will meet with the approval of his Trumpanzees.


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