The 202 People, Places and Things Donald Trump Has Insulted on Twitter

From:,  by Jasmine C. Lee and Kevin Quealy,  on Mar 4, 2016,  see the article HERE.


You’ve got to see this to believe it. A MUST READ article.

The NYT has compiled lists of the insults hurled by Donald Trump at 202 people, places, and things. And there are LINKS for each one! This is a masterpiece of data accumulation by these two reporters and big-time kudos should accrue to both of them. They’re arranged by person and show all of the acerbic tweets made by The Donald regarding that person. It truly is a work of art.

Here’s a LINK to the article. Following are a couple of examples so you can see what to expect:

Here is a short list of tweets about John McCain:

Categories: Political


13 replies

  1. “Criticism serves to make you harsh, vindictive, and cruel, and leaves you with the soothing and flattering idea that you are somehow superior to others.”

    Someone much better than me said that.
    Remember th plank in your own eye?

    Criticizing others mercilessly shows your own weaknesses.


    • Here’s the next task for those two NYT reporters – comb the LexusNexis database to see if ANY other presidential candidate has ever communicated (in any form, written or verbal) as many insults to anyone/anything as this idiot has. I’ll wager that no one else even comes close. He is so thin-skinned that ANYthing that he considers a negative must be dealt with immediately. What ever happened to “sticks and stones”? Will he release the dogs of war (nukes) if a Prime Minister from another country calls him an “incompetent clown”?

      What happens if, God forbid, that 3 AM call comes? I suspect that he’ll immediately hang up and tweet an insult to whoever woke him up.


      • “Will he release the dogs of war (nukes) if a Prime Minister from another country calls him an “incompetent clown”?”

        Now that makes me shiver.


      • FWIW tannngl, I don’t think that Donald would do that, but he might tweet some insult back at the PM and one thing leads to another, etc. He is too thin-skinned and considers himself to be so superior to others that other “leaders” may learn of his Achille’s Heel and purposefully antagonize him, Trump will get even more pissed, there’ll be a back and forth and so on … until hostilities begin.


  2. You’re right, Garnet, the guys who put that together deserve yuge kudos for massive undertaking. It was published March 4, so imagine if they updated it to include insults he’s spewed out in the past 3 weeks.

    Even after the insults he hurled at Chris Christie and Ben Carson, they gave Trump their support. That doesn’t say much for their self-esteem.


    • I’ve got it figured out, Kathy! You may remember a satirical piece I did on Obama’s infrasonic voice and how only those who could hear those ultra-low sounds could hear all of what he said. Those of us with normal hearing heard the words he wanted us to hear. Donald Trump must have that same ability – to hypnotize/brainwash selected people who heard the infrasonic words. That MUST be it!

      How else can we explain otherwise seemingly normal people falling for the rhetorical diarrhea that comes out of his mouth? I’m going to do a Pesky Truth Gazette expose of that dastardly, insidious scheme. Maybe it’s not too late?


  3. In January Trump re-tweeted a tweet by someone showing the GQ sexy photo of Megyn Kelly and calling her a “bimbo.” This is the same man who is outraged that a political superpac is using his wife’s nude photo from a GQ cover in an anti-Trump ad. But according to Trump supporters it is Cruz, not Trump, who is the hypocrite.

    And that’s why they’re abandoning Cruz for Trump. See?


  4. Did I say that out loud?
    My bad.


  5. He is soooooooo Presidential… his own mind.


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